

A Place for Contemplatives in Action


e-mer-gence       əˈmərjəns/      from art, science, and philosophy:         

‘Emergence’ is the arising of something genuinely new and more complex, an unpredictable transformation of the relationship between simpler, more basic properties.  A snowflake’s symmetrical patterns, the swarming of birds in a flock, and the saltiness of sodium + chloride each classically exemplifies emergence in nature. 

So do human consciousness and coming fully alive.

Emergence Initiatives empowers people to contribute to a thriving, just, and regenerative world by finding what it takes to come alive.

Characterized by a natural trajectory toward transformation and fulfillment, life flourishes when we dig in. The journey toward that kind of freedom takes intention and engagement, companions and support, belonging and courage.

If you want to come alive, check out the ways Emergence Initiatives can partner with you.

Instead of asking yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that.

Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

             ~ Howard Thurman

There are no simple how-to’s for emergence.

But there are resources, communities, and patterns of life that facilitate the new thing arising.

What is calling you?

Do you want less:

~ Frustration, yelling, and demands?

~ Regret “How did I get here again?” and “Did I really just say that?”

~ Day to day grind with your family?

Do you long to:

Get resourced to navigate your family’s ever-changing needs?

Find empowerment & support with people in the same boat?

Concentrate your time & effect change with a focused strategy?

Leverage your strengths & support your limits with a holistic approach?

When Kids Ask Hard Questions:  More Fatih-filled Responses for Tough Topics enlists thought-leaders and experienced practitioners to tackle complex challenges from kids.

In “Why Are You So Hypocritical?” Nancy Wiens asks what happens when we set down defensiveness and take up a contemplative and devotional approach to transform conflict into connection with our kids?

~ Order your copy here: Chalice Press

There are endless ways to align with what is alive in you at any given moment–to take next steps in thriving. Emergence Initiatives supports this empowerment for individuals (children through elders), families, couples, and organizations.

Counseling & Coaching to Navigate Life

Organizational Development Consulting & Coaching

Holistic Life Patterns—Personal, Familial & Couples

Journeying into Freedom

With the intention of coming and staying alive, Spiritual Direction deepens our relationship with our real Self and with the Mystery, who goes by many names.  In that deepening, an overflow of life results, empowering a response to this Mystery in our daily lives. Drawing on your spiritual path and using the language that is most expressive for you, Spiritual Direction moves us into the world with grace, hot on the trail of justice, compassion, and transformation for all those on the edges—human and nature alike.

 ~ Spiritual Direction—Personal & Group

 ~ Spiritual Direction Supervision

From ancient Indigenous wisdom to contemporary scientific research, the positive impacts of spending intentional time in Nature are widely known. Contemporary lifestyles often build on the illusion that humans are separate from Nature, imperiling personal health, social equity, and ecological regenerativity.  Intentional experiences of solitude in the wilderness richly restore belonging and connected wholeness.   What is Nature offering you?